I have been working on an ODBC command that I would like to call from an ASP.Net application. It will be used to submit UBEs to a held job queue. Then each night at a specified time the job queue will be released and the jobs will run. This is to try and offset the miserable E1 job scheduler.
Anyway, here is what the SQL looks like:
CALL QCMDEXC ('RUNUBE USER(*****) PASSWORD(******) ENVIRON(JPD811) REPORT(R0010P) VERSION(ZJDE0001) JOBQ(********) IORB(B)',0000000107.00000)
The QCMDEXC is quite the little beast. If you plug the above code into STRSQL on the System i, you will need to count the spaces at the end of each line and add that to the 107 length.
The bad part is that I can get this to work on the System i STRSQL, but not from the ASP.Net page. I have looked through all kinds of web sites and haven’t found a solution.
So, if you have a solution for me, I would really appreciate it.
Stewart Schatz
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