Windows Vista / Windows 7 & IBM iSeries IFS Mapped Drive
If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 and need to map a drive to an iSeries IFS directory you will need to follow...
Create A Windows Service / Delete A Windows Service (sc create / sc delete)
Today, I came across a Windows Service on a server that I inherited. By the name of the service I could tell that it was...
How To Build A SRVPGM Using The Command Line
The other day we had an issue with building a full package for one of our EnterpriseOne installations. The issue was related to not having...
Journaling a Physical File on IBM iSeries Using STRJRNPF
We have a system that needs to interface directly with some EnterpriseOne Files. This system is written in Java and seems to be very difficult...
Server Management Will Not Start After Update
We are updating our EnterpriseOne Tools Release to and had an issue with updating the Server Manager Agent on our Windows web servers. After...