How To Display Images On A Report or UBE in Oracle JDEdwards EnterpriseOne (E1)
Over at the ITZ About ERP blog, they posted a great article about how to include images in reports or UBEs.
It involves creating a font and then assigning the image to a letter to insert it into the report or UBE.
See their post to get more detail.
Personally, I think this is a really hokey (yeah, I know, “hokey” is a highly technical term you probably are not familiar with) way of adding an image to a report. Unfortunately, as with many thing related to EnterpriseOne, ease of functionality is lost because of trying to maintain its platform agnostic infrastructure.
Have you ever tried to explain to a developer with little JDEdwards experience how table triggers are implemented? They are not part of the database. Let me say that again, table triggers are not part of the database. They are implemented as business functions in the application code.
Why? Well, because if they were part of the database then Oracle would need to create different tools releases not only for the different OS platforms but also for the different databases that are supported on those Operating Systems.
What other functionality is harder than it needs to be because of the platform agnostic nature of JDEdwards?
Stewart Schatz
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