EnterpriseOne UBE Runtime Performance Audit For IBM iSeries
The following is a SQL query that I use to audit the performance of UBEs. Stick the results in a Excel spreadsheet and analyze to your hearts desire.
SELECT JCJOBQUE as JobQueue, JCENHV as Environment, JCUSER as User, substr(jcfndfuf2,0,locate('_',jcfndfuf2) + locate('_',substr(JCFNDFUF2,posstr(jcfndfuf2,'_')+1))) as JobName, date(char(JCSBMDATE+1900000)) as SubmitDate, SUBSTR(RIGHT('0' || right(repeat('0',6) || JCSBMTIME,6), 6), 1, 2) || ':' || SUBSTR(RIGHT(right(repeat('0',6) || JCSBMTIME,6), 4), 1, 2) || ':' || RIGHT(right(repeat('0',6) || JCSBMTIME,6), 2) as SubmitTime, date(char(JCACTDATE+1900000)) as EndDate, SUBSTR(RIGHT('0' || right(repeat('0',6) || JCACTTIME,6), 6), 1, 2) || ':' || SUBSTR(RIGHT(right(repeat('0',6) || JCACTTIME,6), 4), 1, 2) || ':' || RIGHT(right(repeat('0',6) || JCACTTIME,6), 2) as EndTime, timestampdiff(2,char( timestamp(date(char(JCACTDATE+1900000)), TIME(SUBSTR(RIGHT('0' || right(repeat('0',6) || JCACTTIME,6), 6), 1, 2) || ':' || SUBSTR(RIGHT(right(repeat('0',6) || JCACTTIME,6), 4), 1, 2) || ':' || RIGHT(right(repeat('0',6) || JCACTTIME,6), 2)) )- timestamp(date(char(JCSBMDATE+1900000)), TIME(SUBSTR(RIGHT('0' || right(repeat('0',6) || JCSBMTIME,6), 6), 1, 2) || ':' || SUBSTR(RIGHT(right(repeat('0',6) || JCSBMTIME,6), 4), 1, 2) || ':' || RIGHT(right(repeat('0',6) || JCSBMTIME,6), 2)) )) ) AS RUNTIME_SEC FROM SVM812.F986110 WHERE JCSBMDATE>116121 ORDER BY 9 DESC
Here is the one for SQL Server.
Have fun!
This is an older post of yours, but it is fantastic and saved me a TON of time in trying to find processing times for a large batch of UBE’s with processing time issues before/after our upgrade. Thanks!
That’s great! I’m so glad it helped and I really appreciate you reaching out.