Needle – Overview of Specifications (SPEC) in Oracle JDE EnterpriseOne
I'm starting a new category of posts called "Needles". It is going to have Oracle Support Documents that I have found useful or interesting. Sometimes...
IBM iSeries SQL Packages FAQ
If you use an IBM iSeries, AS/400, System i, just i or whatever IBM is calling their powerhouse processing server nowadays, SQL Packages seem to...
Microsoft CVE-2018-0886 Changed CredSSP & Disabled RDP
On March 13, Microsoft released this very frustrating, secretive monster that is Windows Update CVE-2018-0886. It doesn't necessarily disable RDP, but if it hits you...
Quick Tip: Where Is An Application On The Menu?
The following SQL will give you a good idea if an application or UBE is on the menu and where it is: SELECT * FROM...
5 Steps to Create a Shortcut to a Windows 10 Settings Page
Have you ever wanted to get to a Windows 10 Settings page quickly & easily? Follow the 5 steps below to create a shortcut to...