AutoHotKey – An Easy To Learn Time Saving App
AutoHotKey – https://www.autohotkey.com/
What is it?
The website says:
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as: form fillers, auto-clicking, macros, etc.
My definition: The Swiss Army Knife of automating tasks you don’t want to do more than twice.
What do I use it for?
I use it to do easy things like:
::<hotkey_combination>::<what I want to type>
::iyh::If you have any questions{,} please let me know{.}
or more complicated things like:
Getting the 6 digit JDE Julian Date – [Ctrl]+[Shift]+j
^+j:: y := A_YYYY-1900 send %y%%A_YDay% return
Getting the 9 digit JDE DateTime – [Ctrl]+[Shift]+k
^+k:: T = %A_Now% T -= 19700101000000,seconds T:=round(T/60) send %T% return
or one of the coolest things in my opinion:
Get my external IP Address from ident.me and return it with other text to request that it be whitelisted by our network team:
::wlip:: ; Get a temporary file path tempFile := A_Temp "\" DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") ".txt" ; " ; Run the console program hidden, redirecting its output to ; the temp. file (with a program other than powershell.exe or cmd.exe, ; prepend %ComSpec% /c; use 2> to redirect error output), and wait for it to exit. RunWait, powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -noProfile (Invoke-WebRequest ident.me).Content > %tempFile%,, Hide ; Read the temp file into a variable and then delete it. FileRead, content, %tempFile% FileDelete, %tempFile% ; Trim the ip address ip := Trim(content) StringReplace,ip,ip,`r,,A StringReplace,ip,ip,`n,,A ; Display the result. send Please whitelist my IP Address (%ip%) for{Space} return
I hope AutoHotKey makes your life easier. I know it does mine!
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