3 Ways To Find Your Oracle Weblogic Version
There are at least 3 different ways to find the version of Oracle Weblogic Server that you are running: Using the registry.xml file located in...
Pause/Resume E1 Scheduler with SQL
Below are SQL statements that can be used to Pause and Resume the E1 Job Scheduler: --*** PAUSE SCHEDULER *** update sy900.f91300 set SJSCHCTCD01='011' where...
How To Find Basic Linux Hardware Info
You can use the below to find some basic information about the hardware your Linux system is installed on: How much RAM is installed and...
How To Find Your Linux Version
I've been doing a few things in Linux lately and needed a couple things like: What version of Linux am I using? $ lsb_release -a...
How To Add An iSeries JobQueue To Oracle JDE EnterpriseOne
This is old news to many, but I have recently needed to go through this process again and had a heck of a time finding...