The JD Edwards Advisor Sheds Some Light On IOICC Documents
IOICC is the IBM/Oracle International Competency Center. It is made up of full-time stafff from both organizations. Our friends at The JD Edwards Advisor is...
The IBM iSeries (System i) JDK Juggle
While installing the Oracle Server Manager agent, we learned some interesting little Java tricks on the IBM iSeries. They probably work on all platforms, but...
Greater Than 10 Record Grid Time Bomb
In our implementation of Employee Self-Service (ESS), we are accessing the EnterpriseOne application directly through parameterized URLs. In doing this, all applications that access the...
EnterpriseOne CNC Admins Need To Know Everything About Everything
I admit that I am a "Jack of all trades, master of none". Which can be a good thing as in the second paragraph of...
Numeric Will Never Equal Alpha
Here is a really frustrating thing about some tables or files, depending on your IT dialect, with in EnterpriseOne. After working with EnterpriseOne for awhile...