Who Has Access To That In EnterpriseOne (E1)?
There are many things that I find frustrating about the GUI tools for EnterpriseOne (E1), especially when doing Systems Administration functions. Apparently, I'm not the...
Remove EnterpriseOne (E1) Environment Selection Screen
In our EnterpriseOne (E1) configuration, I force the user to pick what environment they are going to go into before they login by presenting an...
Leggo My EnterpriseOne (E1) Object!
While trying to delete an object the other day, I received the ever-helpful "Object exists in an active project" error. Since our developers have created...
iSeries Audit Journal
Use the following command to display the contents of the audit journal on the iSeries: DSPJRN JRN(QSYS/QAUDJRN) FROMTIME(092807 080000) JRNCDE((T *ALLSLT)) ENTTYP(AF) This is very...
EnterpriseOne (E1) UDC Cache
Ok, you experts probably already know this, but... When a user adds or changes a UDC entry, it can't be used until the cache is...