How To Disable Client Package Deployment
If you have a development client that has been neglected and JDE wants you to install 15 update packages but all you really want to...
A Work Submitted Job (WSJ, P986110B) Grid Format You Can’t Live Without!
As an Oracle JD Edwards EnterpriseOne (E1) CNC Administrator, I spend a ton of time tracking down UBE errors. Usually, it starts by getting some...
Needle: Package Manifest Browser
Here is a common discussion between a CNC Admin and a JDE Development Manager (if you are lucky enough to have a Development Mgr.): DM:...
Needle: Spec Generation on Demand FAQ
Generating specs for the Web User Interface has been around since Tools Release 8.96. That's been a while. The following document describes that process and...
Needle: RealTime Event (RTE) Server And JMSQUEUE Subscriber Config
From the CNC point of view, the RTE server has always been a proverbial "black box" to me. Although, the business analysts seem to get...