Error Installing New Full Package: The selected package is not valid.
While trying to install a new full package, I selected the package name but when I clicked "Next" I received the following error: The selected...
Where Did The UBE Logs Go On EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.1?
After installing a new instance of E1 9.1 with Tools Release, we found that the logs for UBEs that finished without error were not...
How To Change The Schema Of All Tables In A SQL Server Database
Below is the SQL that can be used to change the database schema of all tables in an SQL Server Database. We use it when...
Add A JDE EnterpriseOne Environment To Every Role/Group
You can use the below SQL to add an EnterpriseOne environment to every role or group in your installation: INSERT INTO SY910/F0093 (LLUSER,LLLL,LLSEQ,LLMNI) SELECT ULUSER,...
ESU Management Best Practice
I am looking for the best practices for managing ESUs so that they don't get abandoned in DV or PY. I've heard many discussions on...